There are several ways to do so depending on the output port of your receiver.
- You link your AIS receiver with a serial cable to the serial port of your PC (or you are using a serial-to-USB-converter). On your PC you have to install a special software that forwards the AIS data to FleetMon, e.g. NMEA Router, Ship Plotter or AIS Dispatcher. It requires that your PC is running non-stop.
OR - You link your AIS receiver with a serial cable to a serial-to-IP-converter and connect the converter to your internet connection with the network cable. The converter must be configured for sending the AIS data to In this case, you don't need a PC and software.
USB (e.g. dAISy AIS receiver):
- You can directly connect it to the USB port of your PC. On your PC you have to install a special software that forwards the AIS data to FleetMon, e.g. NMEA Router, Ship Plotter or AIS Dispatcher. It requires that your PC is running non-stop.
- There are several devices with different configuration options. It is not possible to give a general manual for this case. Please contact our support team by naming the device and you will get individual help.
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