The two basic things you need are a stable internet connection and constant power supply.
A special computer software is not needed, because a modern AIS receiver is working without one. But it is on you to use special software if you want. (For more information see related articles in our Manuals section in the FleetMon Help and Support Desk). The basic components of the AIS-receiving station you will need, are the AIS Antenna, the AIS Receiver, and the serial-to-IP-converter, with all their cables and accessories.
The AIS Antenna has to be installed at the highest possible point, regardless of the antenna type. If you get an AIS receiving station from FleetMon, you will get a fiberglass antenna optimized for AIS reception 160-164 MHz. If you build your own station you can choose between different types of marine VHF antennas. You can even build your own one.
The AIS Receiver is the receiving unit. It collects the AIS data from the connected AIS antenna and is linked to the serial-to-IP-converter via a serial cable. The serial-to-IP-converter is configurated for sending the AIS data to If you don't receive your station from FleetMon, there are different marine electronics shops where you can buy the needed devices and hardware local or online.
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