Ship Plotter is a software which is able to forward AIS data to FleetMon and to other services similarly. If you don't have an AIS receiver Ship Plotter combined with a VHF receiver tuned to the AIS frequencies can use the sound card in your PC to receive and decode AIS signals. And it can display the data on a map for you. You can read about all features here:
- A PC running on Windows (at least on WinXP) with a compatible sound card.
- An AIS receiver with a serial output or a VHF band radio receiver tuned to one of the two AIS channels: 161,975 MHz (87B) for Class A or 162,025 MHz (88B) for Class B.
- A stable internet connection.

- Download the software from here:
- Run the installer and when it is finished click on the ShipPlotter icon to start the application.
- The main window will be opened.

- By clicking on the Satellite or Map button you can change the view.
- Click on the i/o Settings button to open the configuration.
- The configuration window will appear.

- Enter your details in the Serial input field: Choose as port your COM port number (Click here to learn about how you select the COM port your receiver is connected to) and select the standard AIS serial data speed (baud rate) 38400.
- In the UDP/IP peer-to-peer output, you have to enter "" as a client and your personal port number you received from FleetMon.
- You have the possibility to send your data to more than one service similarly. Just enter the details of the other clients in the fields below.
- Click OK, you will return to the main window.

- Click on the Start button. It will turn from green to grey.
- Now you should receive data from the serial port and send the data to FleetMon.
- Go now to and check your "My AIS Stations" page. After 5-10 minutes the statistics of your data should be displayed.
- Congratulations! Your station is online and you are sharing data with us.
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