The AIS Dispatcher is a data forwarding utility and can be used when no Serial-to-IP converter is available or the data should be forwarded from a provider with its own hardware.
- The AIS receiver can be connected to the computer (USB, serial or network).
- The connection method is known (COM Port, IP, etc.).
- The computer runs on Windows or Linux and is working non-stop.
Configuration for Windows:
- Download the software from here:
- Unzip the file in a separate folder and start the application. The main window will be opened.
- Make sure the AIS Dispatcher is stopped.
- Click on Configuration to adjust the settings.
- Adjust the settings in the Input tab.
- For serial and USB devices tick Serial.
- Choose the COM port your receiver is connected to and the Baud rate to 38400.
- Adjust the settings in the Output tab.
- Here you have to enter the appropriate details of the server which should receive your data. You can enter the details of more than one server as well and share your details with other services too.
- An own port for statistics and the upgrade to the Unlimited account can be ordered here: → Add my AIS station
- Until this has been confirmed via email, data can be sent to the IP and port which are shown in the picture on the left side.
- Save with OK.
- You will return to the main window of the application.
- Click on the Start button.
- The VDM messages should rise after a few moments if you adjusted the settings correctly.
- Add AIS Dispatcher to Startup in Windows System Configuration, so you don't have to start the program manually each time.
- You are finished! Go now to and check your "My AIS Stations" page. After 5-10 minutes the statistics of your data should be displayed.
Configuration for Linux:
~/aisdispatcher_arm_glibc/aisdispatcher -r -d /dev/ttyACM0 -s 38400 -H, -G
-r = serial input mode
-d = device name
-s = baud rate
-H = destination IP (You can put in more than one IP address. Just separate them by a comma.)
-G = enables the Output, turns debug on

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